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R.A. Tange Historical Publications Collection
1841 Toynbee J .Pathol _ surg Obsevations on the diseases of the ear.pdf
1843 Toynbee J Second series of observations on the pathology of the ear, based 120 diss.pdf
1855 Toynbee J THE DISEASES OF THE EAR Temp Bone series 5 _ 6 Med Chir Trans 1855 38 1 50.pdf
1861 Toynbee J Pathological research disease of the ear 7 series Med Chir Trans 1861 44 51 72.pdf
1866 Toynbee J On the disconnexion of the incus and the stapes The Lancet June 16 660-662.pdf
1878 Camille Miot Tenotomie tensor tympan tekst book.doc
1890 Congres discussion MIOT _ BOUCHERON Lichtwitz in Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde (1890).pdf
1891 Kessel J. Ueber die vordere Tenotomie. Archiv für Ohrenheilkunde 1891 131-143.pdf
1893 Tuttle Stapes extraction Journal of Laryngology _ Otology Volume 7 Issue 11 november 1893.pdf
1896 Politzer A Diseases of middle ear (reported by LD Brose) Laryngoscope 1896 354-356.pdf
1897 Review Book Panse R. Die Schwerhörigkeit durch starrheit der paukenfenster. brmedj 406 1897.pdf